Fire emblem gay porn cartoon

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Not everyone has played every Fire Emblem game. It's acceptable to discuss emulation without linking to illegal material.Ħ Please use spoiler tags for major plot events, regardless of the game. Other forms of rude behaviour that we do not tolerate are targeted personal attacks and stalking users across the subreddit/site.ĥ No direct links to Fire Emblem ROMs or ISOs.įan patches/hacks are acceptable so long as they aren't pre-patched onto the original ROM/ISO. We consider intentionally baiting unproductive arguments as harassment. Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Ruining other people's mood in a harsh manner is disallowed. This means no nudity or gore.Ĥ Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Any sexual content that goes beyond typical limits for the series may be removed without warning. Any depictions of excessive or hyper-realistic violence will be removed. Content depicting violence beyond what's typically shown in FE titles must be properly flaired.

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If you want to post a discussion or comic, please ensure that it hasn't been posted recently (1 month for discussion, 4 months for comics). If you want to ask a question, please check the wiki, FAQ, the pinned question thread, or the reddit search bar before posting. Submissions must be directly related to Fire Emblem. Come discuss Fire Emblem, the fantasy tactical RPG franchise! Submit content

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